
Species : Human. Occupation : monk, archiver.
Date of birth : 10 BA. Date of death : 88 YA, Rydhem.
Hadrian was one of the orphans the abbey in Fellborg took in. As apprentice, he assisted various brothers with their tasks.
Between 27 and 30 YA, Hadrian becomes a monk, and starts working in the archive alongside Micas.
Appearances :
Era I, chapter 51 : Hadrian helps Micas in processing mission reports of the monks taking part in the annexation process.
Era I, chapter 57 : Hadrian brings Micas another pile of books recovered through the acquisition effort.
Era I, chapter 64 : Hadrian warns Micas something has happened to Tybalt, but it's too late for either to help the abbot.
Era I, chapter 65 : Hadrian deciphers the curious letter from Tybalt Micas received.
Era I, chapter 67 : Hadrian decides to help Micas with his plan to influence Gjorvald's studies.
Era I, chapter 76 : Hadrian sifts through news to provide Micas with information on who the new king will employ in the castle.
Era I, chapter 77 : Hadrian figures he has found a way to keep Tarik too busy with school to visit the archive.
Era I, chapter 79 : Hadrian learns from an apprentice that Tarik has been engaging in crime while on outings for the university.
Era I, chapter 85 : Hadrian has picked up two different stories surrounding the killing of king Olafur and crownprince Halldor.

Website and content by Stijn Van Cauter